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Before you Buy A Telescope

If you are a keen observer and lover of the night sky and if you have a new found, or even old, interest in astronomy and you are thinking to buy a telescope, there are certain question that you need to ask yourself before you actually buy a telescope. Not all question are technical, but it is definitely good practice to know how deep your interest is in astronomy and the night sky and what kind of specifications you are looking for in a telescope.

The questions that you need to ask range from how much you are willing to spend, what kind of portability you would need in your instrument to what type of telescope you should buy and what kind of specifications or lens it should have. You can find an average telescope for a fair price which won’t break your bank and will satisfy your astronomic curiosity but on the other hand if you know exactly what you want out of a telescope, you can invest good money in good specifications.

Before you go shopping for your telescope, it is a good idea to get a few things settled.

1. Types of Telescopes

When you think telescope, you probably imagine a white or black tube with a lens at the end. But that is not all there is to telescopes. That is just one type, which is called the “refractor”. There are various types of telescopes – refractors, reflectors, catadioptric telescopes, and even these have sub-types. So before you go telescope shopping, read up on the different types and try to figure out which would be the best one for you.

2. Features & Specifications

When buying a technical instrument, it is always best to learn about the main features and specifications that define how the instrument performs. In the case of a telescope, these features are the focal length, aperture, focal ratio, and chromatic aberration among a few. These terms may seem very difficult to understand, but they are not as intimidating when you begin to read up on them.

3. Portability

Another very important thing you need to decide before you buy a telescope is where you will be using it. If you intend to view the night sky from your own roof or veranda or any other fixed spot then portability is not an issue for you. But if you intend to spend your time gazing at the night sky from different locations, you might be better off without the big monster telescope which has no portability. Deciding on an observing location is a key step in figuring out which type of telescope will serve you best.

Buying a telescope is much like buying any other piece of technical equipment – you are best served when you know what kind of instrument you need and what kind of instrument will fulfill the purpose you have set out for it. Read up on your telescopes before you buy one, and you’ll be sure to get your hands on the perfect telescope.

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